Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Dirt and Sunshine

It has been WAY too long since I have blogged. Today, I decided to crawl out of the hole I've been hiding in and jump back on the social media train. The last time I posted, I talked about cold weather and being stuck inside watching Breaking Bad for hours on end (which I finished in no time at all - it was awesome). Slowly but surely, summer crept up on us... and as I put off studying for my biology final tomorrow, I can't help but daydream about all of the fun, adventurous things I plan on doing and seeing this summer.

First things first, summer is about being outside. I don't care who you are, if you would rather be cooped up inside on an 80 degree day, you're absolutely bat-shit crazy. So with that said, my bucket list is filled with things like camping, fishing, hiking, and taking trips to get far away for a little while. A trip to Wisconsin could potentially be in my future this July, although it isn't officially a plan yet. I missed one last year that involved charter boats, lots of fishing, fireworks... all the fun stuff. I'm also planning on taking a little trip to sweet home Alabama with my "not-so redneck" boyfriend so I can finally meet his family and tie him down a little more. ;) It's finally here - sandals, shorts, tan lines & sunburns, bonfires (with my ABSOLUTE favorite dessert - S'more's), camping in those gorgeous Rocky Mountains (with more S'mores), catching all the fish, hiking, and so much more. I would like to be adventurous.... you can call it a goal.

I was thinking today... that my life seems boring - at least from where I'm sitting right now. I can't help but get jealous of people who seem to have an endless amount of interests, hobbies, passions... you know... the stuff I thought everyone was supposed to have. I seem to have none. Am I the one who's bat-shit crazy?! I mean, I like to read and write but that doesn't get me OUT and doing things. I want to DO things. I want to LEARN things. I want to feel satisfied with the one life I've been given. I want to live it to the fullest..... I'm just not sure how.

Maybe summer is just what I need.

Always, Aycy

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