Monday, February 24, 2014

Two Measly Topics

I got a text this morning from this sweet girl I work with. She asked where my blogs are since it has been three days since my first post. When I replied, I told her that it was really hard to think of what to write about. It's not that I don't want to write, or that I haven't been thinking about it... It's that I want to write with content and meaning all while making it "blog-worthy" and interesting. The longer I thought about it, I came to the conclusion that little miss Katie was right. I just have to do it. I have to write. You can't have a blog if you don't post. What is more interesting than nothing? The answer is anything.

I have this boyfriend and I mean it when I say he is anything but ordinary. His name is Kyle. I met him on the first day of my summer algebra class in May when the last open seat in class was next to him. He might tell you the story a little differently but I swear he's lying. ;) Long story short, I got lucky and now I have a best friend who puts up with me and keeps me busy with a mixture of inexpensive, free, and costly plans that I will get to here in a while.

Basically, I can sum up the content of this post with two measly topics. 1) The cold AND 2) How I've been dealing with the cold (or have I?!).

First of all, the cold sucks. It sucks more sucks than I can even begin to explain. I live in the very beautiful state of Colorado... majestic Rocky Mountains, wonderfully bright colors, a big city within reasonable distance, and we can't forget about all those weathermen that should have been fired ages ago. If you know anything about Colorado, you know the weather is bipolar. Highs in the 60's last week, they said... and I spent the majority of my time trying not to blow away in 139481320484 MPH winds. My body hates the cold. My hair hates the cold... even my split ends hate the cold. IS IT SPRING YET?! I know we are all thinking it, and I am consumed by the thought of warmth! If only that pesky little groundhog hadn't seen his shadow. In the midst of this wretched weather, I have found a couple of entertaining things to do.

1) Ice skating!! Kyle took me to a small little outdoor rink and the fun pales in comparison to the cold. I'm a weenie and I hardly even noticed. Bundle up and get on the ice!

2) Play a video game. I'm serious. It's called "Don't Starve" and I'm completely addicted. Little known fact - I'm not a gamer. Not even close. I can hardly entertain myself with games for 5 minutes and the first and only time I played Call of Duty I went 0-16. This game IS different. It is easy to catch on, but hard to play. You have to survive days in worlds with monsters and darkness and winters in the forest, all while keeping your character's hunger, health, and sanity at a decent level. It's much more fun than I can even describe so really... try it if you can!

3) Watch Breaking Bad. I'm on season 2 and I'm hooked. I mean, a chemistry teacher cooking and selling a pure, blue crystal meth to provide for his family..... ALL IN SECRET? Talk about a crazy, addictive concept! I won't go further in depth for fear of ruining the show, but I'll keep you posted. So far so good!

Stay warm and keep busy. Until next time!



  1. The cold hates me and I hate it too! I now have a metal bar and a few screws in my back... I definitely feel a cold spot there... The ones in my back are much tighter than the loose screws in my head. I'm a liker of your little blog today...
    I love you Aycy J!I

  2. I'm so happy you have found an great guy! Yes i agree the cold SUCKS!! Sounds like you have found some new hobbies :) i lived ice skating when i was younger.. And as for breaking bad, OMG wait until you get further into the show its INSANE! Love you honey and i can't wait to see what you blog next :) lol
